Welcome to Industrial pharmaceutical Lab
Industrial pharmacy Laboratory [IPLAB] is a global leading research group in the field of pharmaceutical engineering and continous manufacturing process development.
IPLAB's research has focused on analytical method development and development of QbD-based new drugs, incrementally modified drugs, and generic drugs, etc. in collaboration with a wide range of academic and industrial partners.
IPLAB is open to anyone who has enthusiasm to research and develop industrial pharmacy and any collaboration from industry and academia.
Professor, Joo-eun Kim
Industrial Pharmacy
Continuous improvement of previously developed drugs
(Generic drug development, improved new drug development tasks) -
Stability test and quality development in the pharmaceutical/food industry
Acquiring necessary experience in product development process and production site
Interpret the systems of domestic and foreign pharmaceutical administration agencies from the perspective of ‘industry’
Learn experiment design methods and draw conclusions by applying statistics and analysis to experiment results
About us
Main reasearch area
1. Systematic experimental design using the experimental design method
2. Pharmaceutical formulation research
3. Drug Analysis and Manufacturing
4. Accurate interpretation of experimental results using statistics and analysis programs
5. Manufacturing and stability evaluation of pharmaceuticals
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